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Anthony Rubin in front of an abandoned house

Biden Administration Sending Children to Houses Now Abandoned

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Anthony Rubin in front of an abandoned house
An abandoned house in Amityville, New York, where two unaccompanied alien children were delivered

Abandoned house in Amityville, New York by Muckraker CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

A government insider has provided Muckraker with a list of addresses where roughly 8,500 unaccompanied alien children (UAC) have been delivered across the United States. Some of the names on the list are undoubtedly among the 85,000 UAC that have gone missing under the Biden administration.

It's worth noting, that the 85,000 number is long outdated. The true number is likely multiple hundreds of thousands.

Upon visiting some of the New York addresses, we found that children had been delivered to a now abandoned house in Amityville, New York. It is unclear where the children who were delivered there are now.

Our upcoming report will expose the horrors of the Biden administration's unaccompanied children program. You will hear first-hand stories from some of the children we found and we will bring you face-to-face with the people who deliver these children across the country, often into the hands of labor and sex traffickers.

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