Muckraker and Stew Peters Discuss Gulf Cartel Kidnapping

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Anthony Rubin talks to Stew Peters about being abducted by the Gulf Cartel and how he and his brother survived.

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olfacto Feb. 28, 2024, 12:02 a.m.

Anthony Rubin you're very brave! No offense - but what good does it do for the public to have all this knowledge of the horrific border situation and not be able to do anything about it? I'm happy to donate & help support your effort to bring awareness of the border, but this mess isn't going to end until people rise up and physically get involved. So the question is " Now that we know - where do we go? Surely I can't be the only one willing to fight/die for the sake of this country? Anybody organizing publicly/underground a call to end this border mess? Put us in touch. Thank you

olfacto Feb. 27, 2024, 11:40 p.m.

anthony rubin - u r very brave. What can we common men/women fed up with this vile border crisis do to play a part & help? is anybody organizing calling people to the border to volunteer/risk their lives for this country? Please tell me cuz I'm in. I can walk away from my life to serve if I just knew where to go? I can't be the only one not afraid to die? Where do we go.

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