Muckraker and Fox Discuss Holes in the Southern Border

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In Doña Ana County, New Mexico, parts of the United States border wall are wide open with gaping holes.

Muckraker joined Fox News to discuss the southern border wall in Doña Ana County, immigration policy, and how a wall could be used by a tyrannical government against Americans.


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bud Jan. 7, 2024, 5:01 p.m.

Let’s look at Migration (immigration) in the context of the hordes of aliens storming through our Southern Border. What does our Constitution say about it Art. I, § 9, clause 1, delegates power over Migration (immigration) to Congress. So Congress is to make the immigration laws; & the President, as Chief Executive, is to put Congress’ laws into effect. Art. IV, § 4 REQUIRES the United States to protect each of the States against Invasion. Art. I, § 8, clauses 15 & 16, authorize the calling up of the Militia for 3 purposes: to execute the Laws of the Union; to suppress Insurrections; and to repel Invasions. Art. II, § 3 authorizes the President to recommend to Congress such measures as he deems necessary and expedient; to convene Congress on extraordinary occasions; and requires him to take care that the laws be faithfully executed (that includes the immigration laws.) Art. II, § 2, provides that the President is C-IN-C of the armed forces. He is C-IN-C of the Militia when it is called into active service in the United States. As noted above, the Militia may be called into active service to enforce federal laws and to repel invasions. So those are the Constitutional Provisions that apply to the invasion of our Southern Border.

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