Inside George Floyd Square | Muckraker Report

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In the early 1950s, Czechoslovakian Communist Jan Kozak wrote a manual that demonstrated how a representative government could be transformed into a communist dictatorship. Kozak explained how the communists in Czechoslovakia used a strategy of applying pressure “from above” and “from below” to seize power without firing a single shot. According to Kozak, pressure from above is the pressure exerted by the state in the form of policies and legislation that expands the power of government. Pressure from below is the pressure exerted by revolutionary movements that appear to be backed by public support. Pressure from below in the form of strikes, demonstrations, and even threats is used to justify the centralization of power in the hands of the state. These two pressures combined were used in Czechoslovakia to usher in a communist regime legally.

Under the pretext of “social justice,” socialist politicians in the United States continue to usurp power. Any opposition to the big-government agenda is labeled as “racist” and discredited by the left-wing media. This pressure from above is coupled with pressure from below in the form of demonstrations and riots conducted by Marxist revolutionary movements. Under the guise of fighting racism, radical leftists have rioted, looted, and taken over entire city blocks within the United States. Rather than condemn an illegal insurrection, politicians continue to fan the flames of racial hatred and use identity politics to divert attention away from the real problems facing the American Republic.

Muckraker, formerly known as American Gadfly, has obtained exclusive footage from within "George Floyd Square," an ongoing occupation of East 38th street and Chicago in Minneapolis, Minnesota. At the time of this video recording on the dates of May 24th and 25th, politicians had ignored and even condoned the illegal insurrection for almost a year. Our video footage shows proof of pressure from below in the form of footage of the occupation as well as man-on-the-street interviews of Marxist revolutionaries and useful idiots. This footage is contrasted with pressure from above in the form of politicians who essentially support the revolutionaries' demands. In the name of "fighting" racism and white supremacy, Marxist pressures exerted from above and from below threaten to destroy America's history, police, and borders.

Watch the footage yourself and decide if there is indeed communist pressure from above and pressure from below. You alone will be the judge, and you alone will be the jury.

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anthony May 27, 2024, 12:15 p.m.

Great report!

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